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Hits:2548 2011-12-17
Bad policies, not just bad weather, have created the East African famine. That’s the message from experts battling the hunger. The good news is that it needn’t be this way, there are good policies out there.
Starving people appear to most of us as an indistinct mass of human misery. Their pain is what moves us. Their needs compel us to help. They look and suffer alike. Who they are is not really important.
But to understand why East Africans are starving, and to really help them, we need to know who they are and where they came from, says Karol Boudreaux, a poverty economist with USAID.
Then we’ll see that it’s not just drought that has caused the East African famine, it is bad governance. The food crisis is a policy crisis. Unless policies are changed, she warned the TEDGlobal 2011 conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, “the same thing is going to happen over and over again”.
So who are these people? And what are the policies that have pushed them to the brink?
Pastoralists in peril
“The people most affected are pastoralists who live in these arid regions of northern Kenya, Somalia and eastern Ethiopia,” explained Boudreaux afterwards. “They rely for almost all their needs on their livestock.”
They have been dealing with drought for centuries, moving their livestock between pastures, their nomadic existence a strategy to keep one step ahead of hunger. But their capacity to live this way has been crippled by the gradual loss of their grazing lands, lands held under traditional custody rights, lands that may at times appear unoccupied.
Governments moved in, ignoring those communal rights, created national parks and sold land and water sources to farmers. They also tightened border controls and so blocked pastoralists’ movement between wet and dry season pastures.
“For decades they have tried to get pastoralists to settle down. And in the development community there was a sense that pastoralism was not as viable a production system as we now know it is,” Boudreaux explains.
The result was too many farmers settling in places with too little rainfall and so squeezing pastoralists into smaller areas. This all makes it harder for people to find food when times are tough. The ongoing conflict in Somalia has made things much, much worse.
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